Welcome to Undercover!
Hello! My name is Tito and I love books. That’s really the reason that Undercover, all of its dreams-to-be, and you — dear reader, are here <3
What is Undercover? Undercover is currently an online collection of spaces where I delve into the books that inspire me. Being able to do this in a digital way serves as a canvas for my literary explorations while I work towards establishing a physical bookstore in the future. This site is meant to be a large part of that exploration as we begin building out more content.
What is Undercover’s ultimate vision? Undercover, in all of its forms, will be a sanctuary for book lovers — designed to invite both individuals and groups to come together in shared appreciation of reading. We aim to build a welcoming environment centered around a warm reading space and eventually a bar + beverage program.
What’s next for Undercover? While we build out our online space via platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Goodreads, and this site — we’re also beginning the planning phases of a physical space. Likely based in the Atlanta area, our end goal is to open a bookstore + bar and coffee space. We invite you to follow our story as the pages unfold. We can’t wait to see the community and love fostered throughout the journey.
Follow us on social media, reach out via our contact form, or email us directly at hello@undercoveratl.com if you want to know more or just want to chat about books.
Much love!